Dear Reader,
One of the questions I’m often asked is how I get the ideas for my books. The answer is that oh-so-frustrating “It depends.” And it does. Each book is different from every other.
Those of you who’ve read my bio know that I’m an avid traveler, and so you probably won’t be surprised to learn that Summer of Promise was inspired by a trip. I’ve always been fascinated by the pioneers who traveled West in covered wagons, so what better place to visit than Fort Laramie, where all the wagon trains stopped to rest and stock up on supplies before crossing the Rockies?
At the time that I planned the trip, I had no intention of setting a book there. It was simply a chance to escape the seemingly unending work associated with moving into a new house. But inspiration strikes when you least expect it.
I was hooked. And so, in the space of an afternoon, when all I had expected was a little recreation, I had the beginning of a book. As it turned out, not just one but three. I realized that Abigail, the heroine of Summer of Promise, was one of three sisters and that each of them deserved her own book. The Westward Winds trilogy was born.
If you journey with Abigail and Ethan to Fort Laramie in the summer of 1885, I hope you’ll come to love the old fort as much as I do. And, if you’re ever in Wyoming, don’t pass up the opportunity to visit it in person. Who knows? You might come away with an idea for a book … or three.